Driving the UK Automotive Industry into the future – 7 Key areas for Automotive Innovation

March 7, 2017 1 comment

Having attended a variety of events during the last 6 months where UK automotive industry experts have discussed changes to the industry we thought a quick overview of the areas of automotive innovation may be of interest.

  1. Product/technology Innovation

    This is the area we currently think of in terms of innovation

  2. Business Model Innovation

    Will we own cars or will we sell mobility?

  3. Human Capital and Skills Innovation

    Will we move towards more open innovation as opposed to hiring the people with the knowledge in the traditional fashion?

  4. Organisational Innovation

    How can organisations quickly identify and develop the good ideas?

  5. Network and Platform Innovation

    How do cars become a platform for a multitude of services in the same way that mobile phones now are?

  6. Cost Innovation

    How do we effectively cost products going forwards?

  7. Relationships Innovation

    How can we co-create? How can we have strong trusted relationships and openly share innovative ideas?

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